
Issue [MusicXML export] double fermata exporting note with both fermata and grace note
Issue illegal repeatsegment
Issue [Mac PPC] MIDI import quantise does not work
Issue Indication of notes outside the range of the instrument for screen readers
Issue Send MIDI clock signal via USB
Issue [trunk] R4786 New 'Save Selection' feature
Issue Mixer Settings don't apply in audio export
Issue [MusicXML import] slash missing from 1/4, 1/16, 1/32 slashed grace note
Issue [Accessibility] - Notehead types not read
Issue [Accessibility] - Cross staff notes should be announced
Issue [Accessibility] - Hidden objects should be announced
Issue [Accessibility] - Tuplet more than 9 seems not to be announced correctly
Issue ctrl + scrollwheel zooms in and out by a factor of 1600% every scroll wheel tick
Issue Dragging drum notes produces red bar rests
Issue [Musicxml Export] - Hidden staff info not exported
Issue Put Rhythmic "Accent" Type Slashes Further Above Staff
Issue Improve MuseScore page on Japanese Wikipedia
Issue [Accessibility] - Special characters windows not accessible at all
Issue [Accessibility] - Horizontal and Vertical frame with text not readable when editing
Issue Include default-x and default-y for Rests
Issue Improve MuseScore page on Japanese Wikipedia
Issue Printing Problems
Issue [MusicXML export] Tempo beating at whole & above and 16th & below does not export in .musicxml format
Issue [MusicXML import] use note type instead of note duration to determine note length
Issue [MusicXML import] enable import of MusicXML note duration to set duration as shown in the piano roll editor
Issue Final barlines wrongly and only partially assumed from musicxml import from musicxml import lacking barlines
Issue [MusicXML export] figuredBass xml export (multiple figures per note)
Issue Playback of slurred notes
Issue [Musicxml Export] - Headless notes exported incorrectly as hidden notes
Issue Playback position not held after changing score